Battery Full Alert


  1. click New and select Event
  2. select event category Power and event Battery Full
  3. click Done
  4. click + in the bottom left to add an action
  5. select category Alert and action Notify (Sound)
  6. type Battery Full! in the Title field
  7. click Done

To avoid getting a repeat notification within 30 minutes, we add a cooldown:

  1. Click on the profile and select Profile Properties
  2. Slide the Cooldown Time slider to the far right
  3. Click Done

Alternative solution to avoid repeat notifications (added by b00ky)

  1. Set a variable such as "%BFN" to 0 anytime you plug in your phone
  2. Edit the "Notify Sound" task to only run "If %BFN < 0"
  3. Add a new task "Tasker » Variable Set » %BFN to 1"
  4. This has worked for me and makes sure you only get notified ONCE while it is plugged in as opposed to after 30 minutes of cooldown.
  5. I'm new to this so I apologize if this is not a good way to do this, but it works for me.

An alternative to the alternative to avoid repeat notifications. If you tend to leave plugged in for long durations, 30 minute cool down may not do it for you. The below gives you a one time notification that your battery is full, and wont repeat until you unplug/replug back in. phonedude

Profile - Battery 100%
Event - Battery Full
Enter task -
1. Play your sound
2. Set Profile Status {Battery 100%} to Off
Exit task-

Profile - Plugged In
State - Power (Source = Any)
Enter task -
1. Profile Status {Battery 100%} to On
Exit task-
1. Profile Status {Battery 100%} to Off

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