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This requires APNDroid to be installed on your phone
THIS PROFILE SET IS UNTESTED because APNdroid does not support any cdma phones like the Droid or samsung moment, thus I can not test it.
If you have a phone that it does work with, can you please post in the forums?
It should work
This set of profiles will disable your internet while the phone is off.
Your internet will be enabled when the phone screen turns on, when your phone is plugged in, or every 15 minutes during the daytime
Note: This is very complicated because "mobile data" does not have a toggle, and thus is not a setting. If Mobile data were a setting, then this would be a lot easier.
Note 2: If you want to change other settings, like wifi at the same time, put it after auto-sync, and do the same thing as you do to auto-sync in each task. If you have other profiles changing wifi, I think that if you just have it enable (for the data check and powered) then it should play nicely with other profiles. This does not happen to work with the screen since it is not a state.
Profile: Data Check
Context: Time 6-23:59, repeat every 15 mins
Context: Battery 15% - 100%
"Stop" if %POWER ~ ON
Enable "Mobile Data"
Enable "Auto-Sync"
Exit Task:
"Stop" if %POWER ~ ON
Disable "Mobile Data" (With "Keep MMS" if you want)
Disable "Auto-Sync"
Here,the internet will be enabled, and sync will be enabled (in order to force an update)
Then when the length of time the profile is active (1 minute) is over the internet and sync will become disabled, unless the screen is on or the phone is powered
Profile: Powered
Context: Power State any
set variable %POWER to ON
Enable "Mobile Data"
Enable "Auto-Sync"
Exit Task:
Clear variable %POWER
Disable "Mobile Data" (With "Keep MMS" if you want)
Disable "Auto-SYNC"
Set Profile's Task Priority to 6
Profile: Screen On
Context: (Event) Screen On
set variable %SCREENSTATE to ON
Stop if %POWER ~ ON
Enable "Mobile Data" (With "Keep MMS" if you want)
Enable "Auto-Sync"
Set Profile's Task Priority to 6
Profile: Screen Off
Context: (Event) Screen off
Clear variable %SCREENSTATE
Stop if %POWER ~ ON
Disable "Mobile Data" (With "Keep MMS" if you want)
Disable "Auto-SYNC"
Set Profile's Task Priority to 6
A couple of notes. You may want to "Keep MMS" I really am not sure what it is, but by default APN Droid does it
You do not have to worry about having some kind of permanent task in order to disable internet, as soon as the screen turns off internet is disabled
This only disables internet over 3g or the cell data, not over wifi (I believe)