Auto-Respond to SMSs At Night


This profile will respond to any SMSs received between 11pm and 7am with the message Zzzzzzzz.


Change The Times

Click on the Time context and change the values to whatever you like.

Only SMSs From Particular Numbers

Click on the Received SMS context and edit the Sender field e.g. 12345678/987654321 will only respond to the senders whose telephone numbers are 12345678 or 987654321.

Change the Response Message

Click on the task in the right column and edit the Message field of the Send SMS action e.g. You write: %SMSRB but I'm asleep so I didn't hear it.

%SMSRB is the body of the text message that was sent to you.

COMMENT: PENT, how do we set this to send to any number that sends to us? i dont want to be bothered between these hours but send anyone a message explaining im sleeping/working etc. **
In the sender field put %SMSRF. this way it will reply to any number that has sent an SMS to you.**

COMMENT: how to trigger on specific messages? My servers page me with messages that have **PROBLEM in them (I don't want to do it based on sender, as only messages that start that way need to wake me). If I just have PROBLEM, it will respond to messages with just that, but I need to respond to messages with any other text in them. In other words, what are the wild cards?**

You will have to add into task connected to profile an "if" statement on top od Alp the actions with "last message content" AS variable and and *PROBLEM* AS content (* on left and right means "if exists anywhere in variable". Should work then.

COMMENT: If I add a power context for AC will this only work while the phone is plugged in?
Yes. IF you give it second context it will work 100% only on AC conection.

COMMENT: How can i enable this to send a text message to ALL INCOMING CALLS?
1.New Profile
4.Missed Call
5.Caller -> Caller Number (Out)

Works 100%

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