U.S. Navy Ships Bells Sounds every half hour

There is an additional U.S. Navy Days Surprise on the TAB above!

In this example we want to use the Boolean (OR) feature '/' in order to play the appropriate Ships Bells every half hour. To do this, we have you create a Tasker Time Context Profile which repeats every half hour.

Note: First, download the ‘Ships Bells’ file and extract the Ships Bells Sound files to your phone's sdcard in a folder named, ‘NavyDays’. (Example: sdcard/NavyDays). Also, you may download this 'U.S. Navy Days (Ships Bells Only)' Tasker Profile file and load this Profile's Data automatically into Tasker using Tasker's 'Import Profile From SD' feature.

Create a Tasker Time Context Profile

1. Launch Tasker by clicking its application icon. icon_tasker.png
2. If Tasker is not in ‘Context Selector Mode’ click 'New' then select 'Time'. If you are inContext Selector Mode’ click the 'Clock' on the top button bar and then click 'New'.
3. On the Time Context window, change the ‘From’ time to ‘06 00’, and change to ‘To’ time to ’22 00’.
4. Now select ‘Repeat’ and enter ‘30’ in the text box and select ‘Minute(s)’ from the drop down list.
5. Click ‘Done’.

Create a list of ‘Actions’ to perform on the ‘Task Edit’ screen for the ‘Ships Bells’ Profile.


First, we need a handler so that if you have your phone's media volume muted, you won’t hear anything which might be annoying to other people if you are in a meeting or on a conference call.

1. Click ‘+’ and select ‘Tasker’ and then click ‘Stop’.
2. Under the ‘IF’, enter ‘%VOLM’ in the text box and ‘0’ in the last text box. Then click the ‘-‘ and select ‘Matches’.
3. Click ‘Done’.

Second, we need to set the Media Volume level to an acceptable level for your experience.

1. Click ‘+’ and select ‘Audio’ and then click ‘Media Volume’.
2. Change the ‘Level’ slider to a level that is acceptable to you. I use a level of ‘8’.
3. Click ‘Done’.

Third, we need to create the task that will play the appropriate Ships Bells that were downloaded above.

One Bell
1. Click ‘+’ and select ‘Media’ and then click ‘Music Play’.
2. ‘Long-Click’ the ‘File’ field and browse your sdcard and select the ‘sdcard/NavyDays/1bells.mp3’ file.
3. Under the ‘If’, enter ‘%TIME’ in the text box and ‘08.30/12.30/16.30/20.30’ in the last text box. Then click the ‘-‘ and select ‘Matches’.
4. Click ‘Done’.

Two Bells
1. Click ‘+’ and select ‘Media’ and then click ‘Music Play’.
2. ‘Long-Click’ the ‘File’ field and browse your sdcard and select the ‘sdcard/NavyDays/2bells.mp3’ file.
3. Under the ‘If’, enter ‘%TIME’ in the text box and ‘09.00/13.00/17.00/21.00’ in the last text box. Then click the ‘-‘ and select ‘Matches’.
4. Click ‘Done’.

Three Bells
1. Click ‘+’ and select ‘Media’ and then click ‘Music Play’.
2. ‘Long-Click’ the ‘File’ field and browse your sdcard and select the ‘sdcard/NavyDays/3bells.mp3’ file.
3. Under the ‘If’, enter ‘%TIME’ in the text box and ‘09.30/13.30/17.30/21.30’ in the last text box. Then click the ‘-‘ and select ‘Matches’.
4. Click ‘Done’.

Four Bells
1. Click ‘+’ and select ‘Media’ and then click ‘Music Play’.
2. ‘Long-Click’ the ‘File’ field and browse your sdcard and select the ‘sdcard/NavyDays/4bells.mp3’ file.
3. Under the ‘If’, enter ‘%TIME’ in the text box and ‘06.00/10.00/14.00/18.00/22.00’ in the last text box. Then click the ‘-‘ and select ‘Matches’.
4. Click ‘Done’.

Five Bells
1. Click ‘+’ and select ‘Media’ and then click ‘Music Play’.
2. ‘Long-Click’ the ‘File’ field and browse your sdcard and select the ‘sdcard/NavyDays/5bells.mp3’ file.
3. Under the ‘If’, enter ‘%TIME’ in the text box and ‘06.30/10.30/14.30/18.30’ in the last text box. Then click the ‘-‘ and select ‘Matches’.
4. Click ‘Done’.

Six Bells
1. Click ‘+’ and select ‘Media’ and then click ‘Music Play’.
2. ‘Long-Click’ the ‘File’ field and browse your sdcard and select the ‘sdcard/NavyDays/6bells.mp3’ file.
3. Under the ‘If’, enter ‘%TIME’ in the text box and ‘07.00/11.00/15.00/19.00’ in the last text box. Then click the ‘-‘ and select ‘Matches’.
4. Click ‘Done’.

Seven Bells
1. Click ‘+’ and select ‘Media’ and then click ‘Music Play’.
2. ‘Long-Click’ the ‘File’ field and browse your sdcard and select the ‘sdcard/NavyDays/7bells.mp3’ file.
3. Under the ‘If’, enter ‘%TIME’ in the text box and ‘07.30/11.30/15.30/19.30’ in the last text box. Then click the ‘-‘ and select ‘Matches’.
4. Click ‘Done’.

Eight Bells
1. Click ‘+’ and select ‘Media’ and then click ‘Music Play’.
2. ‘Long-Click’ the ‘File’ field and browse your sdcard and select the ‘sdcard/NavyDays/8bells.mp3’ file.
3. Under the ‘If’, enter ‘%TIME’ in the text box and ‘08.00/12.00/16.00/20.00’ in the last text box. Then click the ‘-‘ and select ‘Matches’.
4. Click ‘Done’.

Forth, we need to wait about six seconds for the Task to play the bells before setting your Media Volume back to an acceptable level for your experience.

1. Click ‘+’ and select ‘Misc’ and then click ‘Wait’. Note, you have to scroll the screen since ‘Wait’ is all the way at the bottom of this list.
2. Change the ‘Seconds’ slider to ‘6’.
3. Click ‘Done’.

Finally, we need to set the Media Volume level back to an acceptable level for your experience.

1. Click ‘+’ and select ‘Audio’ and then click ‘Media Volume’.
2. Change the ‘Level’ slider to a level that is acceptable to you. I use a level of ‘15’.
3. Click ‘Done’.

Now click 'Done', and then click 'Apply' to save this Profile.

Page Contribution

This page was contributed by DaWeav.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License