Tasker: State A-Z

Tasker: State A-Z

Airplane Mode

Airplane Mode is enabled.

Battery Level

The device's battery level is within the specified range.

The values are inclusive i.e. 37-38 specifies a range with 2 values.

Bluetooth Connected

The device is connected to another device via Bluetooth. If either of Name or Address are specified, they must match a connected device.

Connections to non-paired devices (e.g. while pairing is taking place) are ignored.

Warning: Tasker can't directly detect when a BT device is connected, only when a connection or disconnection is made.

Only usable with Android 2.0+.

Calendar Entry

An Android Calendar entry with the specified parameters is currently active.

Any unspecified parameters are ignored i.e. any calendar entry will be matched.

Tip: on a Motorola device, to match e.g. only Google calendar entries, use Google:* in the Calendar field.

See Also: action Misc / Test, variables %CALTITLE, %CALDESCR, %CALLOC


There is a call in progress, optionally from or to the specified Number (see Pattern Matching in the Userguide).

Cell Near

One of the specified cell towers is visible to the phone.

Press Scan to start collecting cell (tower) information. Leave Scan on for at least 10 minutes and move around the location because many places are covered by several cells and the phone will often swap between them even if you're standing still.

Tasker will keep the device on while scanning because cell detection is more reliable then. If you turn the device off manually or change to a different activity, scanning will stop.

The first part of each line in the text box indicates the cell tower ID. The number afterwards is the *last seen* signal strength to that cell. The currently connected cell is marked with a <

This state is a very inaccurate way of determining if you are in a particular location, but uses very little power.

If active when there is no signal (e.g. during Airplane Mode) this context will *stay active*.

Cells specified in Ignore Cells can never cause the context state to change, which can be useful if e.g. a particular cell is present in more than one desired area.

See Also: Menu / Prefs / Monitor / Net/Cell Wake Screen


A car or desk docking station is connected.

If you wish to launch an alternative docking application, clear your default app for docking and select Tasker when you are presented with the choice which app to launch next time you dock.

You can then launch an app via a Load App action in Tasker (or not, if no docking app is desired).

Headset Plugged

A headset is plugged in.

Keyboard Out

The physical keyboard is showing.

Light Level

The current light level as a (massaged) percentage of the minimum and maximum light levels ever seen.

After setting this state up, you should calibrate it by covering up the device for a few seconds and exposing it to bright light.

Warning: on at least some devices, 0% is the level of a dimly lit room, rather than that of total darkness.

See Also: Menu / Prefs / Monitor / Display Off Monitoring / Light Sensor

Magnetic Field

The absolute magnetic field strength at the current location in micro-Tesla.

Magnetic fields will be detected better on some axis than on others e.g. the base of the device may be more sensitive than the edge.

See Also: variable %MFIELD.

Media Button

One of the media buttons is pressed.

Not all devices have all represented buttons.

If Held is checked, the key must have been held down for minimally the normal key repeat time for this context to become active.

If Stop Event is checked, Tasker will try to prevent the event being passed on to other apps when it's received. This does not have effect use on Android 2.2+ devices because usually one or more apps will try to Grab (see below) the event and no others will see it. The changes in Android 2.2 have made media button handling very complicated...


Grab is only relevant for Android 2.2+ devices, which changed the way in which the media button is handled. It indicates that Tasker should become the sole receiver of media button events. If you don't do this, Tasker may not receive the events e.g. because a media player has requested the events.

Note 1: if you do enable Grab, you probably want to add another context to this profile e.g. an application context, so that Tasker doesn't interfere with media control the whole time.

Note 2: Tasker grabs the event control as soon as it's necessary and releases it as soon as possible. Another app may grab control at a later time and so block events to Tasker.

Note 3: if you enable Grab for any media button, it blocks all media button events to other apps.

Note 4: you can regrab the focus with action Media / Media Button Events

Missed Call

The Android call log has one or missed calls.

If a Caller is specified, only missed calls from that number are relevant (see Caller (see Pattern Matching in the Userguide).

If you want something to happen every time there is a *new* missed call, use the event Missed Call instead.

Mobile Network

The device has mobile data connectivity of one of the checked types.


The device is in the specified orientation.

Note that on some devices the actual orientation may be the reverse of those shown.

See Also: Menu / Prefs / Monitor / Display Off Monitoring / Accelerometer


Listens for the conditions of the specified Locale-compatible 'condition' plugin being satisfied.

Locale does not need to be installed on the device.

WARNING: data you enter in the plugin configuration screen is collected by the *plugin*, not by Tasker. If the plugin has Internet permissions it could e.g. transmit your data to third-parties.


The device is connected to a power source.


The (probably atmospheric) pressure at the current location in millibars.

At 30,000km altitude it will be virtually 0mb. At sea-level it will be approximately 1013mb.

See Also: Menu / Prefs / Monitor / Display Off Monitoring / Pressure Sensor

Profile Active

A Tasker profile with the specified name is running.

Name is a simple match, see Pattern Matching in the Userguide.

Proximity Sensor

Active when the proximity sensor of the device reports than an object is nearby.

After setting this state up, you should calibrate it by covering and then uncovering proximity sensor a couple of times.

See Also: Menu / Prefs / Monitor / Display Off Monitoring / Proximity

Signal Strength

The phone radio's reported signal level is within the specified range.

If the phone has no service or the signal strength is unknown this state will never be active.

See also: variable %CELLSIG.

Task Running

A Tasker task with the specified name is running.

Name is a simple match, see Pattern Matching in the Userguide.

Running means that the task is in the queue for it's actions to be executed but it's not necessarily the case that one of its actions is currently being carried out.

Unread Text

There is an SMS or MMS which has not been read and matches the specified parameters.

Content is the Body of an SMS, or the Subject or an MMS.

Variable Value

The named user-defined variable matches the specified operator and value.

See the userguide document on Flow Control for details of how the operator/value comparison functions.

This state can also trigger on some 'dynamic' built-in variables: see the Variables section of the Userguide for details.

Warning: if you want to trigger on a variable and then take some action which sets the thing the variable represents you should use the Variable Set event instead. A Variable Value state will cause complications when the state exits and tries to restore the value again.

Wifi Connected

The device is connected to a Wifi Access Point (AP).

If any of the parameters are specified, the AP must match that parameter, otherwise any AP will match.

SSID: the SSID of the AP e.g. SKY34312

MAC: the MAC address of the AP e.g. 00:1f:35:34:43:4a

IP: the IP address of the AP e.g.

You can use the variable Wifi Info to see information about the current AP (when connected).

Wifi Near

The device is near a Wifi Access Point (AP).

If any of the parameters are specified, the AP must match that parameter, otherwise any AP will match.

SSID: the SSID of the AP e.g. SKY34312

MAC: the MAC address of the AP e.g. 00:1f:35:34:43:4a

Capabilities: e.g. [WPA-PSK-TKIP]

Min Activate Signal Level: the minimum signal strength to activate the context. It's ignored once the context is active.

Channel: the frequency channel.

Toggle Wifi: if Wifi on the device is disabled, enable it for the period of the scan, probably around 15 seconds.Toggling cannot take place when the Wifi Tether (Hotspot) is enabled on the device.

A seen AP which is no longer visible for approximately two times the scan period is forgotten. This is to help prevent the profile bouncing on and off at the edge of the signal reception area.

The period for Wifi scanning is specified in Menu->Preferences->Monitor->Wifi Scan Time.

You can use the variable Wifi Info to see information about nearby APs (when not connected).

When any profile has a Wifi Near state context, it will do regular scans for nearby APs (see Menu->Preferences->Monitor->Wifi Scan Period. This requires the device's Wifi radio to be enabled.

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